Member of the Bundesfachverband Schulbegleitung e.V.
Working as a school counsellor with the school helpers is more than just a job. Our employees are caregivers for the children and young people they support.
They support them not only in the classroom, but also in coping with everyday educational tasks and promote their independent development.
The work in individual and school counselling is seen as personally enriching and valuable.
Your personality
We attach great importance to the personality of our school assistants. In addition to professional expertise, we also check social and empathic criteria as well as your qualifications to ensure that you can meet the individual needs of the child. As part of a personal meeting, you will introduce yourself to the parents/guardians and, if necessary, be introduced to the educational institution. Our team is always available to answer questions and deal with emergencies.
Our promise
As a school assistant, we offer you a secure, above-average salary (adapted to qualifications and professional experience) as well as other benefits such as tax-free allowances or travel allowances, above-average holidays, independent work, in-depth knowledge and skills in team meetings, digitalised work, a Christmas bonus, a young, motivated and experienced team and participation in further training opportunities with our partners in child psychology and paediatric practices.
Your qualification
We are always looking for socially committed and motivated people who enjoy working with people. We also offer young people the opportunity to work with us as part of an orientation year. We differentiate between three qualification levels: Assistant, Educational Assistant and Educational Specialist.
Here's how it starts
To work as a school helper, you must have certain qualifications. The exact application process includes a positive review of your application documents, an interview to get to know you personally and the completion of a questionnaire to assess social and empathic criteria. It is also necessary for us to request an extended police clearance certificate from you. We are happy to cover the costs for this. After getting to know the person to be accompanied and their legal guardians, the employment contract is signed if we agree to work together and we can get started together.
If you are interested in becoming a school helper, you can apply now.