Member of the Bundesfachverband Schulbegleitung e.V.

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Organisation responsible for child and youth welfare in Munich

New boundaries for your Skills.

Qualified school support and individual support

About us

Our commitment to your child

Children and young people with disabilities are unique individuals with their own needs, wishes, abilities and plans for the future. It is important to recognise their special characteristics and offer them the same opportunities and possibilities for inclusion and education as all other people in our society. Regardless of their social status, cultural or religious affiliation, they deserve equal treatment and targeted support in order to realise their full potential.

This is what we are committed to for you.

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What is School support?

School support is a support programme for children with disabilities in a school context. School companions, also known as integration assistants, school assistants or individual companions, accompany these children in their everyday school life and support them individually and tailored to their needs. In some cases, school companions are trained specialists who work on a one-to-one basis with a pupil.

Our school counselling services include, among other things

- Interaction with classmates and the school
- Accompaniment during the breaks
- Avoiding misunderstandings and mediating conflicts
- Enabling participation in school activities
- Reducing fear of contact
- Promotion of mobility (e.g. accompaniment when going to the toilet, washing hands, lunch)
- Coordination with teachers
- Provision of structuring and orientation aids
- Support with the use of aids
- Enable time-outs if necessary

Our aim is to offer your child the best possible support and to take into account their individual needs in the school environment.

What is Individual support?

Individual support or KiTa support refers to additional support for children with disabilities in daycare centres, such as crèches, kindergartens, after-school care centres, pre-school facilities (SVE) and curative education day centres (HPT). The accompanying persons, who in this context are referred to as individual companions, help to ensure that these children can participate in the activities and everyday life of the centre.

They help the children with practical tasks such as eating, changing and going to the toilet. They also help the child to find their way around the building. The exact qualifications of the accompanying person are determined according to the individual needs of the child.

Our services in the area of individual support/day-care centre support include

- Guidance and support for independence
- Assistance with practical life tasks such as eating, changing and toileting
- Help with the use of aids such as a rollator, wheelchair or walking aids
- Support with orientation in the building
- Help in crisis situations
- Promoting and organising social contacts
- Supervision during leisure activities such as day centre times, breaks, excursions and school trips
- Support with the realisation of play and learning content

Our aim is to offer your child the best possible support and to take their individual needs into account at the daycare centre.

Get in touch with us!

We look forward to hearing from you.

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